Friday, December 14, 2012

Probe sought into private influence on public education policy

Probe sought into private influence on public education policy:

Probe sought into private influence on public education policy

Increasingly policy relating to public education is being made in secret with involvement from private donors or organizations pushing their own agendas. In 
Philadelphia, where parents have been fighting for years to make public information about how decisions toward the privatization of public education are being made. A version of this appeared on the website of Parents United for Public Education,  a group of Philadelphia parents that focuses on budgeting and accountability to ensure resources get to the classroom level.
The post:
Parents United for Public Education, the Philadelphia Home and School Council and the Philadelphia chapter of the NAACP have filed a complaint with the City Ethics Board requesting an investigation into whether the Boston Consulting Group, private donors, and the William Penn Foundation acted as lobbyists and principals to influence policy in the School District of Philadelphia.
We did not make this decision easily or hastily. The William Penn Foundation has long been a positive force for philanthropy in the city. Before taking action, we requested a thorough

Proposed Loudoun charter gets initial 'no' vote

A three-member select committee of the Loudoun School Board has voted against recommending that the full panel approve what would be the first public charter school in the county because of questions involving curriculum and other operational issues.
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