Saturday, December 1, 2012

Oregon Save Our Schools: Governor Kitzhaber: Think Finland not Oregon Business Plan

Oregon Save Our Schools: Governor Kitzhaber: Think Finland not Oregon Business Plan:

Governor Kitzhaber: Think Finland not Oregon Business Plan

Putting the Public Back in Our Public Schools!

Finland is number one in the world when it comes to public education.  And all of Oregon's leaders, parents, teachers, and students should be asking why. 


Oregonians seem to want more Finland, less No Child Left Behind, and less GERM.

This is supported by hearing and reading the public testimony made in response to the state's Education Funding Team (who, by the way,  met in secret rather than in public to make their list of priorities).

(read links to 11/7)
Community Forum Briefing
Community Forum Testimony Email
Community Forum Testimony Submitted at Location

Community voices mentioned small class sizes, strong school libraries, the importance of counselors, well-rounded education, less if not disappearance of standardized testing, affordable college tuition, and adequate funding.  In other words, more like Finland.

Instead, the public was ignored as noted in this Oregonian article dated November 7, 2012: