Sunday, December 23, 2012

NYC Educator: Redhog Rides Again

NYC Educator: Redhog Rides Again:

Redhog Rides Again

I was very surprised to find a piece written by Ron Isaac in Diane Ravitch's Blog. The piece, in Isaac's unique flowery prose style, addresses the language of "reformers" and the nature of propaganda. He bemoans the way language can be twisted and manipulated to serve the purposes of those who have a different message altogether.

What got me active in the UFT was the 2005 contract. I found it incredible that we would give away so much for so little. While, at the time, it appeared to me the worst aspect was the extra time--that it would ultimately entail a sixth class--it turns out the worst thing was the surrender of seniority rights. This created the Absent Teacher Reserve, which has brought incredible misery to thousands of working teachers.

I know many ATR teachers, and some have emailed me saying they were resigning rather than endure the degrading conditions they're subject to. Others have toughed it out, emerging stronger and more resolved---if they