Friday, December 28, 2012

NYC Educator: Have You No Shame?

NYC Educator: Have You No Shame?:

Have You No Shame?

"Reformers" are having a field day criticizing Diane Ravitch. Apparently, she had the audacity to not only call teachers from Newtown heroes, but also to mention they were unionized.

Therefore, she has a political agenda. Therefore, she's saying that non-union teachers are not heroes. Therefore, she's pursuing her own agenda and exploiting this tragedy for her own selfish goals.

And yet, I've been reading everything that crosses my desk about education, and here's what I've learned about teachers:

1. They are lazy. They don't want to do whatever it takes to make sure kids learnget adequate test scores. Why won't they work 200 hours a week, like they do at KIPP? If they did, all kids