Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: The corporate big boys have already OK'ed the deal

Mike Klonsky's SmallTalk Blog: The corporate big boys have already OK'ed the deal:

The corporate big boys have already OK'ed the deal

Honeywell CEO David Cote OK's the deal
Why am I so sure that the deal has already been done on the so-called fiscal cliff?

Because, according to this report in the NYT, the big boys have already given Obama and Boehner to increase taxes on the wealthiest 4% of Americans in exchange for cuts in so-called entitlements, ie. medicare benefits and social sec. By the big boys, I mean the real power in the country, including CEOs of Goldman Sachs, Honeywell, Dow, Morgan Stanley, G.E. and the rest. 

According to the Times, on Wednesday, several hedge fund managers, including Daniel Och, the billionaire founder of Och-Ziff Capital Management, will meet with Valerie Jarrett, a top adviser to the president, and