Wednesday, December 19, 2012

UPDATE: Life in Rahm’s Chicago. He had the school closing plans in his drawers all along. « Fred Klonsky

Life in Rahm’s Chicago. He had the school closing plans in his drawers all along. « Fred Klonsky:

Life in Rahm’s Chicago. He had the school closing plans in his drawers all along.


“Unless my staff has a hidden drawer somewhere where they’ve got numbers in there, we don’t have a number,” schools CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett said in November.

Apparently somebody took them out of Rahm’s drawers and leaked them to the Chicago Tribune.
Rahm is such a liar.

The internal document, prepared at a time when school leaders faced a December deadline to make their decisions public, lays out multiple scenarios 

Yesterday I was a union thug.


The only good response I can think of to Teach for America marketing VP David Rosenberg’s demand that Diane Ravitch take down her “reprehensible” post called “The Hero Teachers of Newton” is to repost it.


Diane Ravitch’s Blog

This much is clear: the teachers and staff at the Sandy Hook Elementary School reacted with astonishing courage to the unthinkable, the terrifying intrusion of a man intent on murdering them and their students. With no thought of their own safety, they defended their children..

Everyone of them is a hero, those who died and those who survived.

Six of them died protecting the children.

We don’t know the names of the survivors, but we know who made the ultimate sacrifice. For their courage and selflessness, they are heroes of American 

The in box. You can’t say Connecticut’s new “education reform” bill didn’t impact these heroes and all the other teachers and school professionals in Connecticut.

Fred, thanks for all you are doing out there!
As an avid reader of your blog, I truly appreciate you putting the truth front and center.
As a pro-public education blogger in Connecticut, we are all trying to come to grips with the incomprehensible events events of December 14, 2012.
But one thing we know, those teachers, like virtually all teachers were true first responders and true heros.
Diane Ravitch has been kind enough to posted a few items that we Connecticut public school advocates have written this week and we truly appreciate that – as we appreciated the blog post