Friday, December 21, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Reformy Pearl Clutchers

Jersey Jazzman: Reformy Pearl Clutchers:

Reformy Pearl Clutchers

The Reformy Ladies Sewing Circle and Pearl Clutching Society has worked itself into froth of outrage over the defense of teachers by Diane Ravitch and Karen Lewis. What did these women say that has our delicate, reformy flowers running for the fainting couch? Ravitch and Lewis made the impolite observation that the brave teachers who died in Newtown were union members and tenure-track career educators.

Poor RiShawn Biddle was overtaken by the vapors. Andy Rotherham finds the whole affair to be "obscene."Patrick Brennen at NRO was incapacitated by his vexations.

You can go back and read Ravitch's and Lewis's posts and make up your own mind. To me, their points were obvious:
  • The adults who were killed in Newtown were tenured/tenure-track career educators and union members.
  • Sandy Hook is a public school that had a lot more going for it than test scores; this community does not