Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Corporate "Reformers" Make Teaching a Temp Job

Jersey Jazzman: Corporate "Reformers" Make Teaching a Temp Job:

Corporate "Reformers" Make Teaching a Temp Job

Boy, isn't this corporate "reform" stuff great? It's turning teaching into a totally awesome, highly coveted job!

Kate Renkosiak (pictured) started work this fall as a new science teacher at Wexler/Grant, a K-8 “turnaround” school in Dixwell. She landed the job through Teach For America (TFA), a leading national not-for-profit that lures talented young people into urban classrooms on a mission to narrow the racial achievement gap.

Kate Renkosiak replaced Kait Shorrock, was also a TFA recruit. Shorrock was one of 16 TFA