Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Jersey Jazzman: Chris Christie and The Death of Hope in Newark

Jersey Jazzman: Chris Christie and The Death of Hope in Newark:

Chris Christie and The Death of Hope in Newark

Diane Ravitch has a fascinating post up for those who follow both education "reform" and New Jersey politics. The post is by Pedro Noguera, a professor at New York University and noted expert on urban education. What's most interesting about Noguera's piece, to me, is how it confirms many suspicions I've had about how education has become politicized under the administration of Governor Chris Christie.

Noguera documents the demise of a three-year program to reduce the dropout rate in Newark: the Global Village Zone. As NJ Spotlight recently reported, GVZ was an attempt to address education reform on a more comprehensive scale:
The idea was to focus intensely on the needs of students and families at the city’s Central High School and its six feeder elementary/middle schools. There would be longer school days, summer classes, health clinics, and access to healthy food for the zone’s 3,500 students, in addition to extensive professional development for teachers and principals to