Friday, December 28, 2012

Jerry offers Representative Cunningham a ride to Springfield. « Fred Klonsky

Jerry offers Representative Cunningham a ride to Springfield. « Fred Klonsky:

Jerry offers Representative Cunningham a ride to Springfield.

JL sheet music

Got the letter you dropped off at my office. Sorry I will not be in Springfield during your trip there next Thursday. However, because of the canceled session days, I do have free time on my schedule and could meet with you at my Chicago office some time next week.
Obviously, we would be covering issues we have discussed many times before, both in person and on the phone, so maybe another get-together is not necessary — and might be hard for you to schedule given the New Year holiday and the plans you made to visit the Capitol. But, I feel bad I will not be in Springfield for your “lobby day” and wanted to give you an opportunity to meet back here in town if you would like. Just let me know.
- Bill
Hi Bill,
Thanks for the email. Despite the session being cancelled, the teachers are still going to make the