Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Florida VAM – The Scarlett Equation … Our Symbol of Shame. « Continuing Change

Florida VAM – The Scarlett Equation … Our Symbol of Shame. « Continuing Change:

Florida VAM – The Scarlett Equation … Our Symbol of Shame.

Back in the old days, we just wore a ‘Scarlett A’.
Nowadays, they are more transformative.
We wear a whole equation.
After nearly 25 years of teaching in the state of Florida, here is the Value Added Model equation that, as determined by Florida’s Race to the Top, will determine my contract.
y¬_ti=X_i β+∑_(r=1)^L▒〖y_(t-r,i) γ_(t-r) 〗+∑_(q=1)^Q▒〖Z_qi θ_q 〗+e_i
Florida VAM – Our Symbol of Shame.Image.
Happy Holidays, eh?