Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee: ‘Guns have no place in schools’

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee: ‘Guns have no place in schools’:

Failed DC Chancellor Michelle Rhee: ‘Guns have no place in schools’

Here is a memo that national education reformer Michelle Rhee wrote to the staff of her advocacy organization, StudentsFirst, in the wake of the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn. In the memo she refers to Senate Bill 59 in Michigan, which would have allowed concealed weapons on school grounds, but Gov. Rick Snyder vetoed it on Tuesday.
TO:        SF Staff
FROM:  Michelle
DATE:   December 18, 2012
RE:        Gun Control Laws

As an education reform organization, we try hard to remain singularly focused on those issues that directly affect student achievement, and to abstain from broader policy debates and political discussions that are