Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ed Notes Online: MORE Retreat Friday 12/28 Harlem NYC- Join us

Ed Notes Online: MORE Retreat Friday 12/28 Harlem NYC- Join us:

32 of 7,873 MORE Retreat Friday 12/28 Harlem NYC- Join us

Let’s make it happen...
building more, training leaders

Friday, Dec. 28 - 10a.m - 4 p.m Come for Part or All of Day

10:00-12:00pm Discussion-The Importance of Social Justice Unionism & Preparing for Political Attacks

12:00-1:00pm Lunch - Get to know MORE members (suggested $5 donation)

1:00-3:00pm Workshops, Breakout Groups on Leadership & Fighting Back for Public Education & Building MORE 

3:00-4:00pm Committee on Structure and Organization of MORE
Morningside Garden Cooperative Apartments - 80 LaSalle Street , The Thurgood Marshall Room Harlem NYC (btwn. Broadway and Amterdam AVE, 1 block south of W. 125st)

FEATURING LEADERSHIP WORKSHOPS ON• Delegate Assembly Training: Writing, Raising, & Motivating Resolutions. DA Rules of Order
• Chapter Building: Speaking about MORE to educators and parents

MORE (Movement of Rank and File Educators) invites you to a day long retreat on the nuts and bolts of creating a strong social justice union by mobilizing our chapters. Work with MORE on creating a democratic, bottom up organization that reflects our vision for a member driven UFT. Participate in discussions and workshops on building MORE leaders to stand up to the attacks on teachers, students and communities of New York City.

I'm going for the pizza.