Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Ed Notes Online: Change the Stakes Statement at Monday's Forum

Ed Notes Online: Change the Stakes Statement at Monday's Forum:

Change the Stakes Statement at Monday's Forum

 Fred Smith with input from the amazing Change the Stake crew, led by Andrea Mata who put on a wonderful event tonight, wrote the statement below.

 Brian Jones, wearing his MORE shirt, rocks. So did MORE/Change the Stakes' Diane Zavala (below). Pedro Noguera was almost inconsequential and Shael had an answer for everything as he came off looking like a dissident inside Tweed, the role he is assigned to play -- and also maybe part of the underground campaign to have him succeed Walcott when Bloomberg is gone -- you know, the old bait and switch. Send him out there to show reasonableness --- Pedro declared him to be the only reasonable one at Tweed -- just a sham as far as I am concerned -- but you have to see the tapes which I will put up. Juan Gonzalez, just about the only press person real reformers respect (aside from Winerip who the Times makes sure no longer covers ed) moderates.

I got there at almost 7PM, an hour late but the panel