Sunday, December 2, 2012

Ed Notes Online: Change the Stakes Invites You to a Conversation with Bill Ayers, Tues. Dec. 4, 5:30

Ed Notes Online: Change the Stakes Invites You to a Conversation with Bill Ayers, Tues. Dec. 4, 5:30:

Change the Stakes Invites You to a Conversation with Bill Ayers, Tues. Dec. 4, 5:30

I love pal'n around with Bill Ayers. Over the past few years seeing him at NYCORE events has impressed me.

There was a time when I was not a fan not because of his politics but because I heard from George Schmidt he supported some of the early tenets of ed deform (who knows, maybe because of his politics). But so did Ravitch, et al and we don't hold political grudges. You know how much I respect George's opinion and given the success of the Chicago Teachers Union with pretty much all progressive forces uniting behind them, there is a good sense of unity all around. So I am really hoping to get out of my Sandy shell and make it to this event.

Now given this Ayers' open letter to Obama, I'm concerned about how Sarah Pallin will handle this obvious break.

Please join us and share with those who would likely be interested.

In An Open Letter to President Obama, Bill Ayers writes,

“Education is a fundamental human right, not a product. In a free society education is based on a common faith in the incalculable value of every human being; it’s constructed on the principle that the fullest development of all is the condition for the full development of each, and, conversely, that the fullest development of each is the condition for the full development of all. Further, while schooling in every totalitarian society on earth foregrounds obedience and conformity, education in a democracy emphasizes initiative, courage, imagination, and entrepreneurship in order to encourage students to develop minds of their own. “

On Tuesday, December 4, join educational theorist, Bill Ayers, for an informal conversation about the current