Saturday, December 22, 2012

Common Core Toolkit for Principals: Part 1 | Connected Principals

Common Core Toolkit for Principals: Part 1 | Connected Principals:

Common Core Toolkit for Principals: Part 1

As part of my district’s plan to realign our curriculum with the Common Core State Standards (which we are calling the C4 Project, for Cheltenham Common Core Curriculum), I will be developing a Toolkit for Principals. Each month, I will prepare a four-part package of resources and activities they can use both for their own professional development and as part of faculty meetings with their staff members. The four parts each month will be
  1. Think: a warm up article, blog post, or video to set the stage for a faculty discussion
  2. Share: two activities principals can use with staff members during the month in faculty or team meetings
  3. Test Drive: A key instructional practice that teachers can try out in their classrooms without expectations
  4. Explore: Links to other resources with more information for those who want to dig deeper
Though these kits will be geared heavily towards the particular needs of our own district, I thought others might