Friday, November 16, 2012

Wisconsin education action: urge your legislators to support “Fair Funding for Our Future" and “A Penny for Kids” : blue cheddar

Wisconsin education action: urge your legislators to support “Fair Funding for Our Future" and “A Penny for Kids” : blue cheddar:

Wisconsin education action: urge your legislators to support “Fair Funding for Our Future” and “A Penny for Kids”

The following comes to us from Heather DuBois Bourenane and the blog Monologues of Dissent: In recent weeks, Scott Walker has been bragging left and right that education will be his “laser focus” for the next biennial budget (having stripped his promise of creating 500,000 jobs from his website and moved on to new things, I suppose), and we all know what he means by “education reform:” CUTS to public funds for public ed and