Friday, November 9, 2012

The Educated Reporter: The Experts Chime In: What's Next For Federal Education Policy?

The Educated Reporter: The Experts Chime In: What's Next For Federal Education Policy?:

The Experts Chime In: What's Next For Federal Education Policy?

If you’re looking for insights into what's next for federal education policy, I recommend watching the replay of a lively and insightful panel discussion held Thursday at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C.

Here’s just a snippet from panelist Alyson Klein of Education Week’s Politics K-12blog, explaining why President Obama is likely motivated to make higher education a priority in his second term: “If half of the youth voters had stayed home or voted for Mitt Romney, he’d be president right now.”

The other panelists were Katherine Haley from the office of Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio); Rick Hess, the AEI’s resident scholar and director of education policy studies; Andy Rotherham, founding partner of Bellwether Education Partners; and Kristen Soltis Anderson, vice president of the Winston Group, a polling and consulting firm. Andrew Kelly, an AEI research fellow, served as moderator.

Rotherham, who writes the Eduwonk blog, looked at the impact of the 2012 election on education reform in his latest column for Time. Hess offered his take in his