Friday, November 2, 2012

The Closing Argument? Nah. It's the Romney Threat : blue cheddar

The Closing Argument? Nah. It's the Romney Threat : blue cheddar:

A Romney threat is tucked in “The Closing Argument”

Before I proceed – in case you missed this: Obama’s doing pretty well in Wisconsin. Obama polled 51 % to Mitt’s 42 % among likely voters in the recent St. Norbert/WPR poll. Margin of error is plus or minus 5 percent. The speech Mitt Romney delivered in West Allis, Wisconsin today is being called “the closing argument” by his campaign. I forced myself to listen to all 26 minutes of it. The video above is only a few seconds – don’t be shy. Click on it and hear his threat [which I found over at TPM]. To be fair, the threat is just a sliver of the whole. He also recites his 5-point plan and the usual business-delivers-dreams and Obamacare-is-bad messaging. He ignores the better numbers coming out on job growth and tells us if we stick with Obama we risk another recession. He also says what every new candidate on the block says: do you want more of the same or do you want my great new stuff? But that threat of obstruction… It’s at about the 14:30 min. mark and goes to the 15:12 mark – “You know that if the President is reelected he will still be [...]