Friday, November 23, 2012

Thankful (After Thanksgiving) | The Jose Vilson

Thankful (After Thanksgiving) | The Jose Vilson:

Thankful (After Thanksgiving)

Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
I try to be thankful everyday.
I’m always reminded that I have ancestors who didn’t and don’t have the same fortune I have, and how blessed I am to partake in meals with all of my family. It’s hard to celebrate a day you know was dedicated to what pilgrims perceived as manifest destiny but that the victims and survivors perceive as the pillage, rape, and genocide of their people. Of our people. Our blessings in the present came from a legacy of a foul philosophy placed on those who didn’t fit a description or a mold.
What our curriculum teaches our children as a moment of harmony amongst humans is overshadowed by the centuries of deceit shortly thereafter.
Yet, I also know that having a day dedicated to spending time with family matters. Lots. In the midst of working on one project, worrying about other projects, and frankly not tending to ourselves, we lose a myriad of chances