Monday, November 5, 2012

SOS Hurricane Sandy Student and Teacher Support FundSave Our Schools

SOS Hurricane Sandy Student and Teacher Support FundSave Our Schools:

SOS Hurricane Sandy Student and Teacher Support Fund

Save Our Schools Response to Hurricane Sandy

Please Register for/Donate to the
Hurricane Sandy Student and Teacher Support Fund

Save Our Schools calls on all local, state and federal authorities to spare no expense in rushing aide to thousands of school children and teachers affected by hurricane Sandy. The devastating loss of homes, clothing, books and school supplies will result in a serious and prolonged disruption to education. Schools that have suffered destruction from flooding will need immediate assistance to replace materials and restore a healthy, safe environment for all students and employees. Students experiencing the trauma of fear and loss need counseling and other social services to ensure their emotional health and optimize their ability to continue learning. We need to do all that we can to make certain adequate services are provided. Building a sense of connection and care, and providing opportunities to process with others what has just occurred should be a key focus of instruction at this time.
We therefore urge that governments and agencies take the following steps:
  • Set up distribution centers in affected communities to provide area teachers and students with free supply of books and school supplies
  • Provide immediate assistance to damaged schools to restore all supplies and a healthy and safe environment
  • Dispatch counselors and other social service and medical personnel to schools, shelters and community centers to provide support to children and families affected by the storm
  • Provide bus service and other transportation to children and teachers in affected areas so that they may resume education at their local (or nearby) schools.
  • In all communities affected by the storm, provide free breakfast, lunch and dinner to all students and their families at their own or nearby schools.
  • Enact an immediate moratorium on administration of all high stakes standardized testing in the states affected by the storm.
Save Our Schools also calls on its members and endorsers to support communities in need by:
  • Supporting our efforts in urging all governments and agencies to take the above steps
  • Donating clothing, books and school supplies to children and teachers at shelters, distribution centers and schools
  • Volunteering at local shelters to provide educational and recreational activities to children
  • Wherever possible, volunteering time and energy to the restoration efforts in affected communities
  • Donating generously to the Save Our Schools Hurricane Sandy Student and Teacher Support Fundthrough this link Contribute.
* Please Note
All funds will be used to help teachers, students and their families in need of books and school supplies and will be distributed through union locals, area PTA’s and other education advocacy organizations.
SOS understands as other organizations do, that monetary contributions are best and that Small items such as collections of food, used clothing, and shoes often must be cleaned, sorted, and repackaged. This impedes the valuable resources of money, time, and personnel that are needed for other aspects of our relief operation.
~ Source; The American Red Cross.