Monday, November 12, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Odds and Ends

Seattle Schools Community Forum: Odds and Ends:

Odds and Ends

There's a sinkhole problem in West Seattle directly on the route that buses to Pathfinder take.  This story from our friends at the West Seattle Blog.

Thought-provoking story this morning on NPR about how Eastern and Western parents view their children and their ability to learn.  (I have often thought that persistence, resilience, and encouragement are more important than what intellectual capacities you are born with.)

Interesting article from the Huffington Post about who serves special needs children especially those with more severe disabilities.

The high cost of educating students with special needs is disproportionately falling on traditional public schools as other students increasingly opt for alternatives that aren't always readily open to those requiring special education. 

The issue is particularly acute in districts where enrollment has declined due to demographic changes such as low birth rates and population shifts combined with an influx of charter schools 

Charters in Washington State

I am collecting names for those that would like to continue watching over the charter school issue.  Contact me at and include your area of interest (watchdog, legal, etc.) and your phone number.