Sunday, November 11, 2012

Schools Matter: The Hard Bigotry of Low Expectations in Florida

Schools Matter: The Hard Bigotry of Low Expectations in Florida:

The Hard Bigotry of Low Expectations in Florida

With the ink barely dry on the outcome of the Presidential election in Florida, the FL school Board is now looking for new and innovative ways to keep the FCAT,  virtual schools and private money machine rolling. This way Jeb Bush's buddies. K-12 and other for-profit education outfits who make their money off the backs of the poorest and most vulnerable children and their teachers can keep their wheels greased till 2018 under this proposal.

The soft bigotry of low expectations used by these privatizers and profiteers for the past decade to push test and punishment and hold teachers accountable for the failures of Wall Street and politicians, is not being used by the actual bigots to keep things running smoothly for their bottom line.

With new proficiency targets for poor black and brown children, their no excuses mythology that they worked so hard to create for three decades has to be replaced with some other malarkey as our Vice President would say. I