Thursday, November 29, 2012

School Tech Connect: The Culture Of Testing in Chicago

School Tech Connect: The Culture Of Testing in Chicago:

The Culture Of Testing in Chicago

In a word, wow.

Raise Your Hand held the most remarkable forum tonight, called The Culture of Testing- Assessing the Assessments at CPS. I've been to a lot of forums in the past couple of years; this one was far and away the most... astonishing? poignant? I don't even know the word for what it was.

People from all over the city gathered to talk about an epidemic of testing that has gripped the students of CPS over the past couple of years. As a person working in schools for the better part of the past three decades, I can testify to the fact that the testing is out of control. And, it turns out that the poorer you are, the more you're impacted by it, which should come as a surprise to nobody and yet it still blows me away.

I'm wiped out tonight, but I'll have plenty of video of tonight's event over the next couple of days. I couldn't go to