Thursday, November 1, 2012

Preen for America | EduShyster

Preen for America | EduShyster:

Preen for America

I dedicate this post to my Premium Club readers who simply aren’t excellent enough to Teach for America.
Let’s face it: you and I are never going to be Teach for America material. But while we may not have the goods to join Wendy Kopp’s Kidz we can still experience their freshness and innovation vicariously: by watching the Real Housewives of Miami host a benefit for TFA on Bravo this week. No doubt you are wondering how in the world EduShyster could know such a thing…Reader: I fear that mine is a wasted life of debauchery and exceedingly low expectations.
But what if you want to associate yourself with the excellence of the TFA brand without besmirching thyself with