Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Mother Crusader: Smarick Says It Simply; Chartering Can Replace The District. But Can It?

Mother Crusader: Smarick Says It Simply; Chartering Can Replace The District. But Can It?:

Smarick Says It Simply; Chartering Can Replace The District. But Can It?

My blogging buddy Jersey Jazzman has already done a fantastic job skewering Andy Smarick's Ouija Board fantasy of a chartery future for Newark.
Said simply, chartering can replace the district. And it can happen in Newark.
Well, can't get much more blunt than that.  Kudos to Smarick for just coming right on out and saying what it seems like the NJDOE really wants.  Urban districts overrun with charters, with districts obsolete.  

Game plan duly noted. 

But before we hand the keys to the Newark Public Schools to charter operators, let's take a look at the picture that accompanied Smarick's piece.

Now where have I seen this picture before??