Friday, November 16, 2012

Modern School: Idaho Voters Reject Merit Pay, Super Intends to Bring it Back

Modern School: Idaho Voters Reject Merit Pay, Super Intends to Bring it Back:

Idaho Voters Reject Merit Pay, Super Intends to Bring it Back

Forget Democracy
Tom Luna Knows Best 

On November 5, voters rejected free market education initiatives in several states in what many have called a referendum on corporate education reform. These “reforms” are not going away any time soon, however. Their backers are plowing ahead with plans to expand the reforms or reinstate them in places where they lost ground.

In Idaho, for example, voters overturned their “Students Come First” laws, which had imposed merit pay on the state’s teachers for the past year. Immediately after the election, state superintendent Tom Luna jumped into the fray saying he intended to bring back part of his