Monday, November 26, 2012

Mayor wants to stop the school closing beatings – after this year Parents United for Responsible Education

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Mayor wants to stop the school closing beatings – after this year

At a City Club luncheon today, CPS CEO Barbara Byrd-Bennett announced that Mayor Emanuel wants a 5-year school closing moratorium, but only after a massive closing program this year.
The Sun-Times reports:
Byrd-Bennett said Mayor Rahm Emanuel recognizes that Chicago Public Schools has made “too many piecemeal decisions’’ over the years concerning its school buildings. The result, Byrd-Bennett said, has been “unnecessary disruption to students, parents and schools across our city.’’ In a statement, Emanuel said, “In the past, there has been too much uncertainty around changes to our schools: year after year, Chicago Public Schools did not do an adequate job of engaging communities in these critical decisions, and year after year students, families and communities were left wondering of what was to come. That ends this year.”
Five reasons why a 5-year school closing moratorium – next year – is a stupid, desperate move.
1) If chaotic, disorganized closings are such a bad idea, stop doing it now. It sounds as