Monday, November 26, 2012

In Turnaround Town, the News is Always Good | EduShyster

In Turnaround Town, the News is Always Good | EduShyster:

In Turnaround Town, the News is Always Good

In Turnaround Town, aka Lawrence, MA, the news is always good—or so says the official edu-media plan, which you can savor for yourself below.
Reader: today we pay a return visit a place that I like to call simply ‘Turnaround Town.’ Perhaps you know this city by its other name: Lawrence, Massachusetts. When we last dropped in, state officials had just conducted an exhaustive investigation, concluding that the problems of the city’s schools lay in its leaders: bad, worse, corrupt, in jail, even more corrupt, or just indifferent. Then tragedy struck: a software glitch at the state Department of Education caused the word “leader” to be auto corrected into “teacher,” and the official Lawrence Turnaround™ plan was born.
I will not bore you (or drive you deep into your wine boxes) with the details—but by all means, watch this informative short film about the details. To summarize, the Turnaround™ plan is based on a simple, irresistible premise: replace Lawrence’s old, LIFO lifer teachers with fresh, innovative, new teachers and watch the formerly