Thursday, November 1, 2012

Ideas for E.L.L.s | 'Gangnam Style,' Emotion Words and More -

Ideas for E.L.L.s | 'Gangnam Style,' Emotion Words and More -

Ideas for English Language Learners | ‘Gangnam Style,’ ‘Emotion Words’ and More

“Long Division Style,” a parody of PSY’s “Gangnam Style” made by a Brooklyn teacher and her students. Go to related SchoolBook post »
Each month we post a list of ideas for English Language Learners written by teacher and “edublogger” Larry Ferlazzo. Sometimes, like last month’s on thepresidential election, they focus on a timely theme, while others, like this edition, pull from a variety of Times content.
The goal of all of our E.L.L. posts, however, is to suggest ways to make The Times accessible for a range of learners. Let us know if you have ideas, too.

Times Videos

Using Video Clips
The Times’s video page has a very useful search engine, and searching the word “clip” brings up many short clips from movies and television shows that