Sunday, November 18, 2012

How do we entice great teachers to move to remote rural schools? | Get Schooled

How do we entice great teachers to move to remote rural schools? | Get Schooled:

How do we entice great teachers to move to remote rural schools?

How do we get great teachers to move to rural areas? (Johnny Crawford,
How do we get great teachers to move to rural areas? (Johnny Crawford, the Sunday paper today, the AJC takes a look at rural schools in a well researched package
AJC reporter Jaime Sarrio spent time in Wilcox County and other rural school districts interviewing educators, officials and parents. She also extensively researched the subject, reviewing studies by state government and nonprofit experts. AJC data specialist Kelly Guckian gathered extensive data on test scores, remedial education and other measures of college readiness, then analyzed thousands of records to demonstrate the disparity between rural and non-rural schools. Sarrio used that analysis in reporting this story.
Among their discoveries:  In 2010, 23 percent of Georgia’s rural students needed remedial courses, compared to 19.9 percent of non-rural students. Those figures were more pronounced in extremely rural districts, where 30 percent needed remedial courses …