Friday, November 9, 2012

FCMAT » Cali Education Headlines Friday, November 9, 2012

FCMAT » Fiscal Crisis & Management Assistance Team:

California State University Monterey Bay

Education Headlines

Friday, November 9, 2012

Stockton USD likes early results of in-school suspensions

Three key factors have moved Stockton Unified to test a modification of its approach to student discipline.

Novato charter supporters, opponents square off

More than 250 people packed the Novato Unified School District's headquarters Thursday night to debate a controversial proposal for a new charter school.

Fensterwald: In local votes of confidence, most bonds, parcel taxes pass

Proposition 30, raising statewide taxes to support education, was a nail biter, struggling to get a majority of voters behind it. But that wasn’t the case for most K-12 parcel taxes and school construction bonds on the ballot Tuesday.

Ocean View district names new superintendent

A new leader has been chosen for the Ocean View School District. Gustavo "Gus" Balderas will be the new Superintendent of Schools starting Jan. 1 to replace William Loose, who was put on paid leave in July.

Criticized O.C. school district stops cat dissections

Science classes in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District have halted cat dissections this year after animal-rights activists complained that a group of high school students posted crude, graphic photos of cat carcasses to Facebook.

North County school bonds inch closer to victory

North County voters may have to wait until early next week before knowing the fate of a few bond measures that were on their Tuesday ballots.

Prop. 30 campaign efforts pay off for county educators

If you felt a warm breeze Wednesday morning, it might have been the collective sigh of relief breathed by every school employee in California. Stanislaus County districts alone dodged a $50 million bullet by avoiding the midyear cuts planned if Proposition 30 failed.

Baron: The Prop 30 windfall – not yet

It’s not just the public that may not understand where the Prop. 30 money is going this year, but teachers, administrators, and even school board members aren’t necessarily clear about it.

Morain: Brown made right pitch for schools, services

Issues win and lose for many reasons. In this instance, the right salesman made the right pitch, and the opposition stumbled. The governor and his consultants understood the electorate and gave voters what they wanted.
Thursday, November 8, 2012

Santa Paula overwhelmingly backs unified school board

Two Santa Paula school districts will merge to become one unified agency after voters overwhelmingly backed Measure M on Tuesday.

Area school districts celebrate passage of bond measures, support of Prop 30

Local school district officials say they are thrilled that voters supported Proposition 30, a statewide tax increase expected to generate $6 billion annually and help districts avoid making devastating cuts to education. It's an added bonus to the overwhelming passage of three local bond measures that will collectively raise $416.8 million for facilities and technology improvements at dozens of schools in three area school districts.

Monterey County school officials excited about election results

Except for a parcel tax measure in Pacific Grove, school bonds in Monterey County were overwhelmingly approved in Tuesday's election.