Thursday, November 1, 2012

UPDATE: Diane in the Evening 11-1-12 Diane Ravitch's blog

Diane Ravitch's blog:

Who Is Thriving in the New World of New Orleans?

Into my mailbox came this link, which suggests there are some mighty big winners in the new education world of New Orleans.
Read it and gasp.
Advocates say that New Orleans is a national model. The documents here raise questions about who benefits from the avalanche of money poured into the city’s new way of doing business.

A Chinese Educator Shares His Wisdom about the Goals of Education

Yong Zhao is an amazing educator who knows why our current obsession with testing is bad for American society. He spoke recently in Michigan, where he explained why we should focus on creativity and innovation, not test scores. He also explained why we should not be awed by Shanghai’s high test scores, because the Chinese educators are not.
This article in the New York Times may be related: well-educated professionals are fleeing China to live where 

Indiana’s New School Report Cards Get an F

Two recent analyses show how convoluted and confusing Indiana’s school report cards are.
Matthew DiCarlo has been reviewing state grading systems and concludes that the one concocted in Indiana is the “probably the most rudimentary scoring system” he has seen. Like other school report cards, the Indiana marking system gives low grades to high-poverty schools and high-grades to low-poverty schools.
DiCarlo doesn’t say this but I will. Report cards weighted heavily by test scores, like this one, set up schools to 

In New Orleans, Students Lead the Way

Several student groups convened an open forum for candidates running for the local school board.
This gave students an opportunity to question candidates about where they stand on issues that affect students.
Only one candidate did not appear: Sarah Usdin, who confirmed that she would show but did not. Usdin is the ex-TFA executive director of New Schools for New Orleans. She has received more than $110,000 from generous out-of-state donors like Joel Klein, who sells technology for Rupert Murdoch, and assorted Wall Street hedge fund managers who are devoted to charters.
Key points that emerged from the forum:
-Unanimous opposition expressed by candidates regarding the RSD’s method for closing and chartering schools

Big Money Floods School Board Races in California

This is becoming an increasingly familiar–and alarming –story. Charter advocates are pouring large amounts of money–more than $200,000–into local school board races, in districts where few are residents. They are targeting candidates who dare to question the expansion of charters.
In Santa Clara County, incumbent Anna Song is under attack by the charter lobby, which is throwing large sums into a campaign to defeat her.
The article in the Mercury News says:
The most aggressive campaign appears to be aimed at Anna Song, who is running for her fourth term on the county Board of Education.
The Santa Clara County Schools Political Action Committee has raised nearly $200,000 from Jan. 1 through