Sunday, November 11, 2012

Daily Kos: Today we honor veterans of military service - but that is not enough

Daily Kos: Today we honor veterans of military service - but that is not enough:

Today we honor veterans of military service - but that is not enough

and it is appropriate because there is something about those who give up some of their freedoms and potentially put themselves at risk of life and limb on behalf of the ideal of this nation.
Some may have served involuntarily in the days when we still had conscription.
Others, like me, volunteered, even if we might have objected strongly to the military conflict of our era as I did to Vietnam.  I volunteered for the Marines because I thought it was wrong that others who were not of the middle class background from which I came had to serve and I did not.
I saw no combat.  I was never at risk of life and limb.   My military service is not particularly distinguished.
I accept the recognition given those of us who served.
But I want us also even on this day not to forget others -
Those who put themselves at risk of life and liberty to protest our involvement in military adventurism, including that of Vietnam, and of so many conflicts since then.
Please bear with me while I attempt to explain.