Thursday, November 8, 2012

Daily Kos: No, you cannot have your country back. America is moving forward.

Daily Kos: No, you cannot have your country back. America is moving forward.:

No, you cannot have your country back. America is moving forward.

That is the first line of Picket Fence Apocalypse, today's New York Times column by Charles M. Blow, who in my humble opinion is overdue for his own Pulitzer Prize for Commentary.
Read that first line again.  It is a rejoinder to the likes of John Sununu and Rush Limbaugh and others of their ilk.
Blow follows that line with these two paragraphs:
That’s the message voters sent the Republican Party and its Tea Party wing Tuesday night when they re-elected President Obama and strengthened the Democrats’ control of the Senate.No amount of outside money or voter suppression or fear mongering or lying — and there was a ton of each — was enough to blunt that message.
Blow revisits the statistics of this electorate and how the President did, then offers us quotes - from Bill O'Reilly,