Sunday, November 4, 2012

Daily Kos: mother of bi-racial boy writes letter to Obama

Daily Kos: mother of bi-racial boy writes letter to Obama:

mother of bi-racial boy writes letter to Obama

Her name is Elizabeth Messina, she is an award-winning photographer, and she wrote An Open Letter To President Obama at Huffington Post.  On this, the 4th anniversary of Obama's election (yes, this is the actual date), it is worth reading this letter to remember how much that election meant in so many ways.
As she notes,
Neither my husband nor myself would ever be able to entirely comprehend what it felt like to grow up bi-racial child in a world that is not always embracing of things and people that are different. I was faced with trying to figure out how to prepare my son for issues that he may face in his life due to his ethnicity that I had no firsthand experience with.
Her son was 5 at the time of the last election.  The family watched the campaign, and the debates, attempting to 

How Romney Would Treat Women

IN this year’s campaign furor over a supposed “war on women,” involving birth control and abortion, the assumption is that the audience worrying about these issues is just women.Give us a little credit. We men aren’t mercenaries caring only for Y chromosomes. We have wives and daughters, mothers and sisters, and we have a pretty intimate stake in contraception as well.
Those are the first two paragraphs of this power column by Nicholas Kristof in the Sunday New York Times  (and don't worry, clicking on that link will not count against your 10 free articles for the month).One more sentence - from the end of the 3rd paragraph:
Just as civil rights wasn’t just a “black issue,” women’s rights and reproductive health shouldn’t be reduced to a “women’s issue.”
Please keep reading