Thursday, November 1, 2012

Daily Kos: Liberty to Lie

Daily Kos: Liberty to Lie:

Liberty to Lie

This election may go down in history as the moment when truth and lies lost their honor and stigma, respectively.
That is the opening line of Liberty to Lie, this morning's New York Times column by Charles Blow.  As is usually the case, it is something you should read and pass on.Blow goes on to point out what those paying attention should already know, which is Mitt Romney's " willingness to say anything and everything to win this election."  Then after noting his performance in the national polls, running about equal with the President, asks
What does this say about our country? What does it say about the value of virtue?
He goes through the claims Romney has made about Chrysler and GM in great detail, providing you all the material you will ever need to disprove those claims and then writes
Romney wouldn’t acknowledge the truth if it kissed him on the cheek. In fact, Romney seems to have decided that the only things standing between him and the White House are stubborn facts. He continues to roll right over them.The question is: will this scurrilous tactic have negative consequences?
But there is more.