Monday, November 12, 2012

CUNY Crisis Deepens as Admin Installs New Chair in Rebel Department « Student Activism

CUNY Crisis Deepens as Admin Installs New Chair in Rebel Department « Student Activism:

CUNY Crisis Deepens as Admin Installs New Chair in Rebel Department

The CUNY administration may have been forced to back down (for now) from their threats to dismantle the Queensboro Community College English Department, but they’ve launched a new attack in their effort to bring the rebellious department to heel.
On October 24 the QCC English faculty voted to remove chair Linda Reesman. Throughout the department’s battle over the administration’s Pathways initiative, many faculty regarded Reesman as an administration ally and an impediment to effective organization on behalf of the faculty’s interests.
The vote to remove Reesman was lopsided, as was the vote in favor of her replacement, deputy chair David Humphries. But at a meeting on November 6, QCC president Diane Call informed the department that she would not endorse Humphries’ appointment. Instead, a former faculty member would be brought on to perform the