Sunday, November 11, 2012

Chicago Voters Overwhelmingly Support an Elected School BoardSave Our Schools

Chicago Voters Overwhelmingly Support an Elected School BoardSave Our Schools:

Chicago Voters Overwhelmingly Support an Elected School Board

Chicago Voters Overwhelmingly Support an Elected School Board

Yesterday, voters in 327 precincts throughout 35 wards of the city had the opportunity to vote on the referendum question regarding whether Chicago should have an elected school board, as opposed to the current mayoral appointed school board.
Voters overwhelmingly voted yes to an elected school board, with 86.6% voting yes. The final tally amounted to 65,763 people voting YES and 10,174 voting NO.
You can view results here:
The public expressed a clear desire for improvement to the current undemocratic way policies are made at CPS. This was a non-binding referendum to gauge public support. In order for change to now take place, this question must go through the legislature in Springfield. We urge you to contact your state representatives today to share