Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Another Oakland student news blog: Castle Crier! - The Education Report - Katy Murphy's blog on Oakland schools

Another Oakland student news blog: Castle Crier! - The Education Report - Katy Murphy's blog on Oakland schools:

Another Oakland student news blog: Castle Crier!

Tuesday, November 13th, 2012 at 5:05 pm in 1 Comment

High school newspapers, ready to be distributed (not at Castlemont) from elizasizzle’s site at flickr.com/creativecommons.
Student journalism in Oakland has popped up at yet another high school. At Castlemont High, students have launched an online site with a wonderfully old-school newspaper name, the Castle Crier.
AP English language students are the publication’s first reporters.  Guided by teacher Marguerite Sheffer, they post updates three or