Sunday, November 18, 2012

A Wedding and Some Free Advice | Mr. Teachbad

A Wedding and Some Free Advice | Mr. Teachbad:

A Wedding and Some Free Advice

We went to a wed­ding yes­ter­day. It was two friends I used to teach with. They met at the school where we worked and found love in a hope­less place.
My wife and I don’t go to many wed­dings any­more. There was a long period where we went to four or five wed­dings every year. That grad­u­ally tapered off and faded into the cur­rent era of sec­ond wed­dings and bar mitzvas.
This was that rare first wed­ding of two good friends. Nothin’ bet­ter than that. Unless, of course, it doesn’t work out. Then it can be truly hor­ri­ble. But these two love each other and, maybe just as impor­tant, they really like each other. It’s a good thing to see.
There were about 20 for­mer and cur­rent teach­ers there who we had worked with. It was great to see peo­ple and find out what they were doing. I was reminded again that there are great places to teach. A lot of my for­mer col­leagues are really happy with the schools they’ve moved to. I’m bummed I never found a school like that.
All and all I think I’m glad to be out, but I know that teach­ing doesn’t have to be the way it was in the poo-hole school where we all taught. I think I could have been happy teach­ing for a long time in the right place. As it turns out I lasted