Monday, October 22, 2012

Where are Obama and Romney on the Dropout Crisis and School Funding? | Education on GOOD

Where are Obama and Romney on the Dropout Crisis and School Funding? | Education on GOOD:

Where are Obama and Romney on the Dropout Crisis and School Funding?

When it comes to education, neither President Obama's nor Governor Romney's campaign has started a real dialogue about the failure of America's K-12 schools—or the grassroots initiatives working to combat the crisis. However, a recent panel at the University of Southern California, "No Policy Left Behind? K-12 Education in the 2012 Campaign," tackled two of the biggest issues the candidates should be addressing: the dropout crisis and school funding.
The panelists—which included academics, charter school operators, and artists—noted that the campaigns haven't offered solutions for the root causes that lead to dropout factories—schools where students receive a poor education and, as a result, drop out early.
According to one panelist, filmmaker and social media consultant Jason Pollock, the social ills