Friday, October 19, 2012

Vote yes on Michigan’s Prop 2. Beware of goblins, ghosts and groups with “taxpayer” in their name. « Fred Klonsky

Vote yes on Michigan’s Prop 2. Beware of goblins, ghosts and groups with “taxpayer” in their name. « Fred Klonsky:

Vote yes on Michigan’s Prop 2. Beware of goblins, ghosts and groups with “taxpayer” in their name.

Let’s pull the mask of those groups with the word taxpayer in their name.
It’s code.
It’s no different than Romney’s rant against the 47%. Losers. Takers. If pressed, these taxpayer groups would more than likely argue that unless you’re a taxpayer you shouldn’t even have the right to vote.
Of course, it once was like that in parts of the United States. We once had places where they used a poll tax to keep Black people in the South from voting.
I’ve written about my old school district in Park Ridge where Anthony Borrelli, a local wealthy foot doctor