Monday, October 29, 2012

TRS board of trustees restates what it said in March. Silent on Ingram. Are you reassured? Me neither. « Fred Klonsky

TRS board of trustees restates what it said in March. Silent on Ingram. Are you reassured? Me neither. « Fred Klonsky:

TRS board of trustees restates what it said in March. Silent on Ingram. Are you reassured? Me neither.

Springfield, IL – The Teachers’ Retirement System Board of Trustees today issued the following statement regarding the on-going debate in the General Assembly concerning an overhaul of the state’s pension code:
“The Board of Trustees of the Teachers’ Retirement System reiterates and reaffirms its resolution of March 30, 2012 (as amended on April 30, 2012) declaring that present legislative action is paramount to ensure the continued solvency and viability of the plan, by providing for fairness and equity in benefits, adequate funding and adherence to generally accepted actuarial principles and standards. Additionally, the Board of Trustees underscores its unalterable position that any