Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Tribune rails against a fair income tax. It must be a good idea. « Fred Klonsky

Tribune rails against a fair income tax. It must be a good idea. « Fred Klonsky:

Tribune rails against a fair income tax. It must be a good idea.

The Chicago Tribune goes bonkers over the idea of a state graduated income tax.

It is no secret that Governor Pat Quinn and the people who helped him land the governorship in 2010 and raise income taxes in 2011 are laying the groundwork for a progressive Illinois tax initiative. This will require a constitutional amendment in 2014 because a graduated income tax is illegal in Illinois. They want to make the temporary 2011 tax hike permanent at five percent and tax certain individuals at ever-higher marginal rates. A progressive income tax will 

Watch the Town Hall on a Chicago elected school board. VIDEO.