Saturday, October 20, 2012

The difference between Kahn and Austin | Ideas and Thoughts

The difference between Kahn and Austin | Ideas and Thoughts:

The difference between Kahn and Austin

I get it. Will is has a point about the Kahnifcation of Education. But as I expressed,
…after watching a few and even knowing one of them, Paul Andersen, I was under the impression that most of these are classroom teachers. At least many of them are. So what's the problem? I get it, you're worried about Gates' vision of Khan but I think Khan himself argues against his work replacing teachers. I say, be wary of the business model approach but also let's stop crapping on people, teachers or not, who just want to share. If we keep this up, we're going to be discouraging new folks from sharing lest we check their credentials at the door.
These gurus are teachers and they're doing what many have us have been doing for years, sharing what they know. The fact that many of the things they're sharing are directly aligned with many curricula shouldn't make


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