Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Clappety-Clap Bullshit [On Character Education] | The Jose Vilson

The Clappety-Clap Bullshit [On Character Education] | The Jose Vilson:

The Clappety-Clap Bullshit [On Character Education]

The Joker in The Dark Knight
In different spheres, educators of all stripes have had conversations about this idea of “character education.” Before this year, I too used to equate character education with all the positive things about schools that concentrate on the socio-emotional as well as the academic sides of students. Especially during my time at Nativity Mission School and Xavier High School, I found myself immersed in lots of reflective activities and spiritual discussions. While we searched for how we defined ourselves as men for others, we also wanted to find how best to do God’s will. As a Catholic, Jesus’ examples were the guiding force behind my burgeoning values