Sunday, October 28, 2012

Seattle Schools Community Forum: A Teacher's Goodbye (with reasons)

Seattle Schools Community Forum: A Teacher's Goodbye (with reasons):

A Teacher's Goodbye (with reasons)

This farewell to teaching comes from a teacher in North Carolina via Diane Ravich's blog.  It is heartbreaking.

This could have been written any time in the last 5 years but that it comes as we face the challenge of I-1240 make it particularly applicable.  Why?

Because there are those who want to lay the blame for everything - everything - that is wrong in public education at the feet of public education.  The principals, the administrators and especially, the teachers.

Not the legislators for not funding schools or allowing poor legislation to be created or stand.

Not lazy politicians looking for a quick-fix or the next gimmick or fad.

And not a society that is willing to overlook two things.

One, 23% of American children live in poverty.  We are the only first-world country to have such a damning