Saturday, October 6, 2012

Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky

Saturday coffee. « Fred Klonsky:

Saturday coffee.

I’m nursing a cold.
When I first started teaching back in ’84 I would get a cold the first week in October. Catching a cold is totally typical for teachers, or anyone who comes in contact with lots of people. Colds are contagious.
It is even more common for me because I was an Art teacher and I saw every kid in the school. No matter how often I washed my hands and no matter how often I had the kids wash their hands, all it takes is one uncovered sneeze.
I took vitamin C in massive doses. I took zinc. Remember when echinacea was the rage?  I took tons of echinacea. I would hand out anti-bacterial wipes. I would buy gallons jugs of anti-bacterial hand soap.
In addition I would be the first in line the first day flu shots became available. One year I missed the day the school district was offering flu shots because I had a meeting. No meeting is worth the flue. That was a huge

A couple of things about TRS Director Richard Ingram.

Today the IEA website functions as a spin doctor for TRS Director Richard Ingram.
Ingram, you recall, went rogue this week in an interview with Crain’s. He called for an end to cost of living adjustments (COLA) for TRS retirees.
TRS members were outraged. Ingram was hired by the TRS board of trustees to manage the system. He had no business, it is simply not his job, to make proposals to the legislature or to anyone else about how to solve the

Participate in and help spread the word about Diane Ravitch’s October 17 Campaign for Our Public Schools!

From Diane Ravitch’s blog:
Please write your thoughts about what needs to change in federal education policy and send a letter to President Obama by that date.
You can write it now and follow instructions here.
Anthony Cody, experienced middle school science teacher and fabulous blogger, has offered to