Friday, October 12, 2012

RheeFirst! » Campaign for America’s Future: Rhee is Education’s Ann Coulter

RheeFirst! » Campaign for America’s Future: Rhee is Education’s Ann Coulter:

Campaign for America’s Future: Rhee is Education’s Ann Coulter

Written by Jeff Bryant for the Campaign for America’s Future.  Read the entire post here.
“Although Rhee heads an organization called Students First, most of what she actually does is to advocate for specific types of legislation, i.e. lobby. In Chicago, Washington DC, New York City, and numerous state capitals, Students First has focused its considerable resources—including many hundreds of thousands in donations to candidates for public office—on passing laws and promoting politicians that advance policies which restrict teachers’ collective bargaining rights, tie their job security and pay to scores on students’ standardized tests, and allow more public taxpayer money to be redirected to privately run entities such as charter schools.… For every piece of legislation Students First backs, ALEC has a model bill….
“With the significant backing from Rupert Murdoch, the Walton Family of Walmart fame, and deep-pocketed hedge-fund investors (are these typical allies of Democrats?), Rhee will be able to sustain the income stream